A-1 Concrete Leveling is currently closed in accordance with New York State Executive Order 202.6. An excerpt specific to the construction industry is included below and can view in more detail here. If you are a business or entity that is considered essential during this period and you have an urgent or emergency need for A-1 Concrete Leveling we can be designated an essential business for purposes of the Executive Order 202.6.
"This guidance is issued by the New York State Department of Economic Development d/b/a Empire State Development and applies to each business location individually and is intended to assist businesses in determining whether they are an essential business and steps to request such designation. With respect to business or entities that operate or provide both essential and non-essential services, supplies or support, only those lines and/or business operations that are necessary to support the essential services, supplies, or support are exempt from the restrictions.
For purposes of Executive Order 202.6, “Essential Business,” means:
9. Construction including
skilled trades such as electricians, plumbers
other related construction firms and professionals for essential infrastructure or for emergency repair and safety purposes"
Each of our team members thanks you kindly for your support and understanding during this difficult time that we’re facing together.